Integration Between Your HCM and Performance Management Software

Integration Between Your HCM and Performance Management Software

Authored By: HR Performance on 4/6/2018

BambooHR and Performance Pro

Human Capital Management software (HCM) is a powerful way to organize all of the data you have about your employees. Let’s talk about one HCM in particular - BambooHR. 

The benefits of BambooHR begin even before employees are hired, thanks to BambooHR’s applicant tracking functionality, which helps companies find the right employees faster.  Once applicants are hired, they are onboarded with help from BambooHR. Employees can also track their time-off and get time-off approvals automatically. Manually managing these and many other processes can be daunting, but BambooHR simplifies the task.

Using automation to streamline these tasks creates significant efficiencies for organizations. The order and dependability created by these procedures allows companies to grow and employees/leaders to leverage the data within the system. Because everything is stored electronically, administrative users can relax knowing that it is safe and secure.

BambooHR is a robust application for recruiting, onboarding, HRIS, payroll, and time & attendance but it doesn’t do everything. What about other key HR functions that may be automated? For example, many clients want to use BambooHR’s HCM but want to manage their performance management processes with Performance Pro. Instead of keeping those two systems separate, Performance Pro and BambooHR are integrated. If integrated, when a new employee is created in BambooHR, that data automatically creates a user in Performance Pro along with the correct reporting structure. Likewise, when employee information, such as job title or manager, changes in BambooHR, Performance Pro will adjust accordingly.

Another great feature of the BambooHR-Performance Pro relationship is Single Sign On (SSO). Employees who want to access Performance Pro can do so directly through BambooHR’s portal. That means employees don’t need to remember an additional password or website. The easier things are for the employees, the better.

Do the math on this. Consider how many new employees you hire or let go each year. Calculate the number of position changes and other similar items. Total up the time it takes to make those changes to see what you save when systems are integrated. Watch the above video to see how simple the process is.

Performance Pro has the ability to integrate with nearly any application on the market, not just BambooHR. Talk to us about the applications with which you’d like to integrate and let us see what we can do for you.


Would you like to share your ideas with us on this topic? If you don't currently use our software, click here to speak to a member of our team. If you do currently use our software and would like to contact our product support team, please visit this page to connect with support. If you would like to read more detailed information about the Performance Pro and BambooHR integration, please visit this page.

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