How can I add my existing policies to the manual?

HR Suite Support

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How can I add my existing policies to the manual?

To add an existing policy into the Working Manual from Word, the content must be copied/pasted, regardless of whether it is in Word, Excel or PDF.

If the policy does not yet exist in the Working Manual, you must create it first. Click here for instructions.

To Copy/Paste from Word, we recommend either pasting the content in as plain text or using the “Paste from Word” icon. We recommend watching the “Paste from Word” tutorial in the New User training video series for best practices for pasting from Word into HR Suite.

Documents can also be uploaded in the storage area, however, they will not be part of the Working manual.

PDFs generally will lose most formatting when copied/pasted. Contact support at for assistance if you have PDF content to be added to the Working Manual.

Excel files can be copied/pasted to the Working Manual, however, there can be formatting issues, especially for a wide spreadsheet. We recommend contacting support at for assistance if you have Excel content to be added to the Working Manual.

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