Is there a way to link documents to a specific policy?

HR Suite Support

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Is there a way to link documents to a specific policy?

No, unfortunately there isn’t a way to connect an uploaded document to a particular policy. If you want the document integrated with the policy, it must be included as part of the content of that policy in the Working Manual, which requires it to be copied/pasted. What many credit unions do because of the more complex formatting of forms and other documents is to upload them through the Storage area. These documents can be posted on the homepage along with the published manuals. This way, if your staff or board is logging into HR Suite to see the policies, they can also see and print the other documents and forms.

Many clients who have related documents like this will refer to the document(s) in the policy at the end (i.e. “See associated form ABC.doc which can be found in the ‘Employee Resources’ folder in HR Suite” – or sometimes they will put in on their network and refer to the network location).

If you have any additional questions or need further assistance, please contact the support team at

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